University Research CREATE Campus -

CREATE University Research Campus


This is an invited competition for the architectural vision for  Campus for Research Excellence And Technological Enterprise (CREATE) ,an international research campus and innovation hub. Home to a vibrant research community, CREATE hosts the National Research Foundation, interdisciplinary research centres from top universities and corporate laboratories such as the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART), the SAP Singapore Research Centre as well as technology incubators and start-ups.


Housing some 1,200 researchers on a 67,000 sq m plot, CREATE is co-located with the NUS University Town™ which offers convenient access to the research resources, students and faculty of NUS. Our design proposal envisions four laboratory towers interconnected by bridges at many levels to encourage interactions between the people of the research community. The design of the towers is integrated by a façade screen connecting the towers on the east and west side. The spine where the façade connects shades the NUS arcade below which becomes an activated retail corridor for the NUS community.


Designed to develop greater synergies with the NUS community at UTown and beyond, CREATE envisions Singapore’s acceleration towards an inventive, innovative and entrepreneurial economy.


Principal Sarika Bajoria was a senior designer for the project at Skidmore Owings & Merrill, New York.